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Now on air:
Alternative 4
Still Waters


We've just moved to a new server. Forum might have some issues but we're fixing this. FTP server and the whole archive are disabled, forums and radio are online.

Listen Heavy Music Archive Atmospheric Radio Right Now (playing in browser)
Listen Heavy Music Archive Atmospheric Radio Right Now (M3U format)
Listen Heavy Music Archive Atmospheric Radio Right Now (PLS format)



Lastest songs: On-line broadcast troubleshooting:

On-line broadcasting discussion

Option 1: Listening directly from web-site.
You need only 320+ kbps bandwidth and compotable browser. To start listening just click the HTML5 button at the left block. Anyway it's recommended to use for better experience.

Option 2: Add using playlist file
1. Click right mouse button on link with prefered format of playlist (M3U or PLS) and pick "Save target as..."
2. Save playlist file on your device.
3. Open playlist using any player with streaming support (Winamp, AIMP, Apollo, iTunes, VLC, foobar2000...)

Option 3: Adding radio manually
1. Run player and open menu for adding broadcast stream (usually located in File | "Open URL" or "Add URL" section)
2. Enter address of our radio station:

Option 4: Unofficial mobile app (Android)
One of our users has developed an application for Android ecosystem, which allows you to listen our broadcasting through your mobile device in one tap. To install application please follow this link in Google Play Store.

Powered by Heavy Music Archive Engine 2.61
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