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#41876 28.09.2011 18:49

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You can test this feature on any album page, by hitting Image near the track. Also full album/artist discography preview available on artist's page & album's page
On-line playing/listening feature:
Currently supported (tests succeed): Chrome v.7-19+, Firefox 3.6/4/5/6/7+, Opera 10/11, Safari 4/5, IE 7/8/9+
Probably supported (not tested): IE 6/7, Chrome <7
Not supported (not planned): Firefox 3.0 and <, Opera 9 and <, IE 5.5 and <
Support for HMA Mobile will be implemented in future engine versions (iOS/Android/Blackberry, maybe WP7)

Multiple tracks download feature:
Currently supported: Chrome v.10+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 4/5

If you report any errors, please don't forget to specify your browser (exact version)
Thank you!
#41903 28.09.2011 21:29

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Извениде шо парузски, но у мени неигратца савсем!!!! Сначало прозто неигралась!!!! Типерь придлогаед скочать черес ДМ!!!!
Испольсую Мазилу 6.01.
#41923 28.09.2011 23:21

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Some fixes applied, it seems to be working in all actual & some old browsers! Please report if any bugs
#41935 29.09.2011 00:53

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Типерь играед усё. Есыбы ешо можна была матадь трэки то былабы савсем крута.
#49293 27.11.2011 16:35

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В тестовом режиме добавлена возможность загружать все треки альбома (через веб интерфейс) в один клик. Работает только в FF3.6+, Chrome и Safari в силу ПОЛНОГО отсутствия поддержки функции загрузки нескольких файлов в других браузерах (Опера, ИЕ и тп)
#50917 6.12.2011 18:45

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eternity wrote:в силу ПОЛНОГО отсутствия поддержки функции загрузки нескольких файлов в других браузерах (Опера, ИЕ и тп)

А когда Вы с Оперой подружитесь?Я имею ввиду для того чтоб скачать альбом целиком.
#58717 27.01.2012 22:20

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Не прослушивается альбом целиком и не скачивается
#58720 28.01.2012 00:12

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Ваш форум - говно, ничего не скачивается и не прослушивается!1
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#58721 28.01.2012 00:23

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TDM wrote:Ваш форум - говно, ничего не скачивается и не прослушивается!1

а вот это пробывал viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3931&hilit=%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F харошая музыка у миня праслушеваеться
"Two men gaze from behind their prison bars.
One man sees dirt, the other sees stars."
#64440 20.03.2012 07:25

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Cannot download, tried with firefox 11.0 and chrome 17.0963.79

#72543 5.05.2012 23:18

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Рад всем сообщить, что мы внедрили новую систему прослушивания альбомов и дискографий прямо в окне браузера. Тестируем новую функцию!

Небольшой скриншотик:
#72572 6.05.2012 09:13

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eternity wrote:Рад всем сообщить, что мы внедрили новую систему прослушивания альбомов и дискографий прямо в окне браузера. Тестируем новую функцию!

Небольшой скриншотик:

ничего не проигрывается.в мозилле и кхром даже треков не видно в плеере.
#72573 6.05.2012 09:15

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artem3000 wrote:
eternity wrote:Рад всем сообщить, что мы внедрили новую систему прослушивания альбомов и дискографий прямо в окне браузера. Тестируем новую функцию!

ничего не проигрывается.в мозилле и кхром даже треков не видно в плеере.

Ночью проводились заключительные работы по запуску функции. Теперь всё должно работать.
#72576 6.05.2012 09:44

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Треки не отображаются. Firefox 8.0.1.
#72581 6.05.2012 09:55

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треки отоброжаются но не проигрываются, пробывал в мозилле 3 версии а щас поставил 12,и не в одной из них не работает-кнопка плей.
#72611 6.05.2012 14:02

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Подтверждаю, что отображение есть, а проигрывание никак не идет. Firefox 12.0
#72612 6.05.2012 14:05

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А в хроме все нормально.
#72624 6.05.2012 15:57

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Lumisade wrote:А в хроме все нормально.

подтверждаю,что в хроме все работает.
#72876 7.05.2012 04:54

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Google Chrome. Все отлично работает. И воспроизводится, и переходит по списку.
#96360 25.08.2012 10:47

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hi im using mozilla firefox 3.6.28 (download Whole album) not work for me . i try with version 14.0.1 firefox an again not work . please fix this i need this . thanks
#155851 3.12.2014 06:32

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тоже не играеццо в лиске, правда у меня линух....
#235955 18.01.2019 15:50

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I have a Safari Ver 10.1 and it's been such an inconvenience. I came to this site with many hopes.
But disappointed me totally. When I click on Download album, the page seems like opening something , but ends up with the same page refreshing and that's it. Nothing happens.
Nor the FTP server is working any good.
#235963 20.01.2019 04:19

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Hi guys! Due mass changes of web standards whole-album download button isn't working anymore. We are going to remove it, there was a possibility of downloading the whole album through zip archive but in fact this maked high loads of our servers so even if we turn it on back, it will happen after improving real-user algorithm and will work only for registered users.
Anyway at this time the best and most convinient way of downloading whole albums is accessing our FTP server. It is working fine always, if you have connecting issues try to enable pasv (passive) mode and trigger your FTP client settings. Your provider limitations might affect but in the end you are able to pick the settings to have a stable connection. If you'll write about the FTP problem more detaledly we will try to help and find this out. Good luck!
#239780 2.11.2021 14:15

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eternity wrote:Hi guys! Due mass changes of web standards whole-album download button isn't working anymore. We are going to remove it, there was a possibility of downloading the whole album through zip archive but in fact this maked high loads of our servers so even if we turn it on back, it will happen after improving real-user algorithm and will work only for registered users.
Anyway at this time the best and most convinient way of downloading whole albums is accessing our FTP server. It is working fine always, if you have connecting issues try to enable pasv (passive) mode and trigger your FTP client settings. Your provider limitations might affect but in the end you are able to pick the settings to have a stable connection. If you'll write about the FTP problem more detaledly we will try to help and find this out. Good luck!

Currently having issue with FTP connection. Filezilla says server has expired certificates and won't let me connect even if I try to accept anyway.

Server itself then says something like ECONNREFUSED and doesn't let me try again. I thought I was being banned by system bot or something but I can still log in here and post in forums, so I am unsure what is going on!

Thanks for reading!
Just a speck in the spectrum, insignificant am I
#239790 23.11.2021 18:19

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Arbiter_of_Metal wrote:
eternity wrote:Hi guys! Due mass changes of web standards whole-album download button isn't working anymore. We are going to remove it, there was a possibility of downloading the whole album through zip archive but in fact this maked high loads of our servers so even if we turn it on back, it will happen after improving real-user algorithm and will work only for registered users.
Anyway at this time the best and most convinient way of downloading whole albums is accessing our FTP server. It is working fine always, if you have connecting issues try to enable pasv (passive) mode and trigger your FTP client settings. Your provider limitations might affect but in the end you are able to pick the settings to have a stable connection. If you'll write about the FTP problem more detaledly we will try to help and find this out. Good luck!

Currently having issue with FTP connection. Filezilla says server has expired certificates and won't let me connect even if I try to accept anyway.

Server itself then says something like ECONNREFUSED and doesn't let me try again. I thought I was being banned by system bot or something but I can still log in here and post in forums, so I am unsure what is going on!

Thanks for reading!

Hi! Ftp and downloads are currently temporary unavailable. You can follow the forums once this changes. Sorry for inconvenience
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