It's been almost two years since I joined BSC. I can't say time passed that quickly. Those two years, including almost one year of preparations, were full of work, creativity, constantly moving from place to place with countless airplanes, trains, buses along with my beloved suitcase and my best friend: myself. It felt like going back to school. I studied hard indeed and I learnt many important lessons. No cheating, no copying from the person sitting next to you. Always with honesty and truth being my guides. It might sound like the most difficult way to choose in this industry, but I see it as the only way for me. This is why I came to the decision to leave the band, which I believe is for the best interest of both BSC and me. There's been a lot of inevitable changes, which were beyond anyone's control, but which I believe were the catalyst that brought me to another level, both as a person and subsequently as an artist. It was a challenge that I gladly accepted, in order to go to the next step. I remember in the beginning, when I was asked to join the band, I was a closet musician who had never played with a band or gone on stage before. Although I was scared of failure, somewhere deep inside I knew I would make it in the end. Of course I had to push my limits every day and fight my personal demons one by one, but I believe that in the end I passed the test. This might have never happened, though, if it wasn't for everyone who believed and trusted me: the band, my friends and of course each and every one of you. I met lots of amazing people during this fantastic journey, I made many new and precious friends, together with everyone I created lots of unforgettable memories and I saw many places and lots of colorful, smiling faces. I honestly feel grateful, for all those memories, whether they involved smiles or tears. I believe everything happens for the best and evolution is the ultimate goal, in the end of the day. The end...which is a new beginning, dressed as sadness sometimes. Let this be temporary, because bright days lie ahead! I'm sure all the members of BSC will never stop chasing their dream and nor will I. Lastly, I would like to say sorry to all the fans and everyone involved for this sudden turn of events, but all of you who've been following me along the way, know that I'm not a person who gives up halfway through, or before I've done everything within my power. We shall meet again soon. Thank you from the bottom of my alien heart. Sending you lots of love and light Sophia
It was 3 years ago that we had started talking with Sophia about her becoming our vocalist. And we can vividly remember the 1st time we listened to her demo track. The recording condition wasn't that great, however, we surely felt her passion to the music. After we decided to take her as the vocalist, we had been spending enormous time to create the music and work on many projects together. For the band, it was the very 1st time to have a member from overseas, and she taught us so many things and we learned so much from her; the different culture and different prospective in life. It was, needless to say, a great experience for U.S. Of course, everything wasn't fun all the time, there was a time of hardship, but all of us had shared all the problems together to manage and proceed further one step at a time, and together we had learned so much from it. Because of her involvement, we were able to manage the deals in abroad very smoothly. We wouldn't be where we are now without her efforts and dedications. Unfortunately, we have come to the conclusion to be parted to our ways, for Sophia and the band; we surely had a relationship to aspire each other in every aspect. We hope we will keep improving ourselves from this great experience. Lastly, we really want to thank all the fans out there, who have been giving us all their support and encouragement. Please continue giving your heart-warming support to Sophia and the band. Thank you very much. BLOOD STAIN CHILD
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Я кажется уже много раз говорил, что их две первые пластинки - это самые мои любимые работы в финском мелодэте. Впрочем, не устану повторять! А вот последний на данный момент не слушал, хотя получал хорошие рекомендации от Луиджипроверенных людей.
"Two men gaze from behind their prison bars. One man sees dirt, the other sees stars."
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We have finished the album recordings at D-Studio. Everything went nicely and we had good times. Already at this point the forthcoming album sounds heavy, diverse and cathcy. Suvi will record her vocal parts in Jyväskylä this week and after that all the notes, melodies, chords, N-beats and growls are in the magic box. The project continues with mixing by Jarno Hänninen at D-Studio in November. We are really thrilled about the new songs! More updates about the studio session at Noumena Blog and Noumena Facebook page.
"Goodbye autumn breeze, Death walks with me" Noumena members
"Смысл этой песни не понимал никто. Она была очень старой, ее сложили еще в те давние времена, когда все непонятное казалось человеку прекрасным".
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Стабильность (на весьма приличном уровне) в мдм - вещь редкая в наши дни. Особенно для Финляндии (хоть они скорее и играют сейчас осовремененный АТГ с клавишами).
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Wereyoung wrote:Даже если они и сделают говно, их название слишком длинное для синонима.
"MPEц какой-то". "мпня". "мпно". Но в любом случае не подходит: предыдущие альбом вполне недурны, а временами даже отличны.
Когда я слушал этот трек раньше, мне не очень нравился звук, он был какой-то совсем бездушный и укомпрессированный. А сейчас вроде нормально, слушать не мешает. То ли уши прочистились, то ли наоборот приоглохли, то ли трек другой по сведению, то ли я стал менее привередливым за эти несколько дней. А материал отличный, с терпением жду альбом.
Ты сам выбрал такой путь - сам и вывози, и не жалуйся. И не говори даже, что тебе это все не нравится.