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Time Of Orchids - Namesake Caution (2007)
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#85932 1.07.2012 00:05

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Artist: Time Of Orchids
Release: Namesake Caution
Year: 2007
Genre: Avant-Garde Rock/Metal
Label: Cuneiform Records
Origin: United States Image
Size: 121 MB
Format/Bitrate: mp3@cbr320kbps

1. In Calar Captivating 1:04
2. Windswept Spectacle 4:39
3. Darling Abandon 4:35
4. Parade of Seasons 4:35
5. The Only Thing 4:25
6. Gem 4:45
7. Crib Thing to Callow 7:13
8. Meant (Hush-Hush) 5:52
9. We Speak in Shards 10:02
10. Entertaiment Woes 5:34
Release length: 52:44


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