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The Moon and the Nightspirit - Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold (2005)
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#127245 6.05.2013 14:46

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Artist: The Moon and the Nightspirit
Release: Of Dreams Forgotten and Fables Untold
Year: 2005
Genre: Pagan Neofolk
Label: Equilibrium Music
Origin: Hungary Image
Size: 92 MB
Format/Bitrate: mp3@cbr320kbps

1. Égi Táltos (4:48)
2. Lullaby (The Final Gyre Of Suns) (3:57)
3. Beloved Enchantress (3:16)
4. The Secret Path (5:33)
5. In Gardens Of Worlds Undreamt (4:18)
6. Holdanyánk (3:35)
7. Echo Of Atlantis (3:31)
8. Pagan (5:02)
9. Of Dreams Forgotten And Fables Untold (3:55)
Release length: 37:55


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#127246 6.05.2013 15:07

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А што без пикчи?
#127247 6.05.2013 15:39

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