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Музыкальная курилка
#213710 9.10.2016 02:36

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От хуёвых не теку. От хороших можно себе позволить.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#213714 9.10.2016 02:46

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Be Here клёвая песня, но у неё не нужно брать текст отдельно от музыки.
#215777 15.11.2016 20:52

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OldVyaine wrote:Слово в сочетании с музыкой даёт синергический эффект.

Всё, что дельного есть в этой теме.
#215794 16.11.2016 01:26

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О, поднял тему. Что бы я без тебя делал.

У Дракониан с лирикой приблизительно та же ситуация, что и с музыкой - пенис. С иногда проскакивающей посредственностью (ну ладно, музыка в целом получше текстов). И поэтому когда словарная посредственность накладывается на редкие вспышки музыкальной НЕпосредственности, то это запоминается надолго. Либо же просто тот случай, когда банально и вторично, но именно это и хорошо, именно это и надо:

She Dies

The cold wind blew into my life, my adored.
A bleeding heart we share, now on Azrael's wings.
I fall like autumn rain...
You are my everything.
This lovelorn kiss of death in lugubrious silence
Dawn breaks open like a wound... and the dreadful sun
Two souls entwined together,
Still so alone.
Both you and I are shattered
And frozen in stone.
You begged for air from within this cold tomb with pain sharp as a knife
I now lie resting like a child on thy womb, gave back a part of my life.
For a while it had disappeared, but nothing was changed.
A haze fell forever with her fading life.
I leaned my head back... then drank of opaline.
The emerald goddess came to me... she craved my soul
And just for a while... I had forgotten.
Yes, it was all forgotten, but nothing was changed.
Suddenly a cold breeze blew across our room...
I felt like I wanted to leave... this world with her.
Come; drink with me the divine nectar of Olympus!
Sit beside me and help defy our adversity and loss...
This adversity and loss. It all ends with you!
I kiss you in your dying breath; sleeping quietly now.
Swept away by heavy eyelids; forever in my dreams...
And you will be safe in my dearest dreams...
My love... forever in my dearest dreams.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#215795 16.11.2016 01:29

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MaxStajner wrote:та же ситуация, что и с музыкой - пенис

пенис - вещь хорошая и полезная, а ты его тут в негативном ключе упоминаешь
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#215796 16.11.2016 01:38

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Не в контексте этой группы. К тому же, это слово ещё ЗеЛав упоминал относительно Срении.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#215797 16.11.2016 03:48

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В связке с клипом только надо читать, раздельно - хуерга:

[Reveal]: Spoiler
Eyes Of The Insane

A soldier's heart
Reflecting back at me
I keep seeing mutilated faces
Even in my dreams
Distorted images
Flashing rapidly
Psychotically abusing me
Devouring my brain

The eyes of the insane
On a demented campaign

Tortured spirits
Will not let me rest
These thoughts of mutilated faces
Completely possessed
Fragmented images
Flashing rapidly
Psychotically abusing me
Whirling through my head

Battle fatigue
Overwhelming anxiety
Panic attacks
Death raising it's ugly face at me!

Got to make it stop
Can't take it any more
They're all dead
Keep haunting me
They just keep coming back for more!

The eyes of the insane
On a demented campaign
Panic attacks
Death raising it's ugly face at me!

Got to make it stop
Can't take it any more!
Death's face keeps haunting me
And just keeps coming back for more!

Got to make it stop
Can't take it any more!
Death's face keeps haunting me
And just keeps coming back for more!

A soldier
Of misfortune
I owe my pain and suffering
To this hell
These demons
Ripping through my soul
Evil's relentless hostility
Won't let me sleep

Battle fatigue
Devastating insanity
Panic attacks
Death's rotting
He's coming for me!!
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#216004 18.11.2016 18:53

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Вспомнил тут внезапно про песню группы Dub Buk «Свиное ухо», текст которой и по сей день вызывает у меня дегенератский восторг.

[Reveal]: Spoiler
Свиное ухо кишкой сопит,
Лиловым брюхом жует и ссыт,
Помои копит, боготворит клопов обид.

Приспособленец подсчет ведет,
Сухую ветку, как х** трясет.
Иллюв(з?)ий хвалит, не осмеет гнилой приплод.

Сталь шилом шьет,
Дым ядом жжет,
Плоть солит плеть,
В такт жизни – смерть.

Сам ашкеназ изобрел жмущий газ
Сам морщит нос, сам шипит: «Холокост!»
Сам обскубал, снарядил, навязал,
Сам топчет гнид, сам кричит: «Геноцид!».

Цель шинкаря – на*бать бунтаря.
Не устает, как сосал, так сосет.
Не опознать, то ли клещ, то ли блядь.
Залп! Потекло… Требуху отсекло!
#216005 18.11.2016 19:10

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Эдак еще всю дискографию Люсифугум принести можно. И группу Odor Mortis.
#216020 18.11.2016 21:04

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у Наумчуков знатные текста
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#217508 14.12.2016 22:48

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Ion Dissonance, альбом Solace. Как всегда не могу выделить что-либо одно:

[Reveal]: Spoiler

A quick snap and that was it...
After we've shared a moment, after I held you tight in my arms, after I told you how beautiful you are.

And after I had one too many whiskies and got emotional.

You've just experienced the cruel honesty of the Now.
A look upon your careless virgin body from the upper balcony
And I knew this flawless silver surface had to be mine.

I had a huge confirmation growing in my pants pressing me to go on

With the said deed
Drive by a lust close to animal instincts,
(But since there's no disrespect, this is wrong and I'm sorry.),
I'm sorry

I reacted before any kind of conscience
Would pollute the uniqueness of the event.

I can't help it, the sensation is too high,
The climax, is perfect...
After two weeks of legitimate abstinence,
It had to be settled somehow?

Yeah I heard the rumours too,
The ones stipulating that I've lost my reason on the account of lust...

I'm afraid I'll have to confirm that to the proper authorities very soon.

As for you love;
Look on the bright side child, you'll never grow old
So how come to me, you are still so very cold

She's Strychnine

Like the Snake in Eden, only more slippery & deceitful

You're poison girl!
I could've swallowed you...

Seeking the proximity; to be under your flesh,
Flower of flesh and blood, I wanted to be your blooming

I felt empty the minute you walked away from me...

Right now;
I miss just everything about her,
The fragrance all around her neck,
The way she moves, fuck yeah,
Those tight panties...

I can't wait to strip you down!

You're a monument of aesthetic,
Instead of glorifying (you), I'll re-arrange your pretty smile
An icon to be adorned, you make me sick!
With a rusty cleaver, I'll be the new Da Vinci
Whore, Poisonous, Wine, Strychnine!

You please yourself in the collecting of wrecks of men
Who've fallen under your charms.
Between these luscious legs, a graveyard,
Has became quite a populous Nation

But I simply won't give in,
As I have seen beyond the cruelty of your looks,
Risen from the ashes of my love life,
I aim to see you suffer...

And I desecrate everything that has been given...
To you, as natural weapons, against my will

Weapons that you so skilfully use everyday, you call this justice?

To be the one, that will show you that tomorrow's morning glory is gonna be tainted

And simply won't happen, ever again
As sunrise is no more,
And so are you!

Shut Up, I'm Trying To Worry

It's 3:57 in the morning, I know it 'cause I just passed by a payphone that told me so.
It caught my attention because it rang about 3 or 4 times, I'm not sure?
(Anyway... I didn't answer...)

I was way too drunk and lost into "Ulver's Perdition City"
To truly acknowledge what was going on.

And prior to that particular insignificance, I had lost all senses of time & space

(I'm alone and the subway docks are empty, completely deserted by the Metropolis's natives
Closing my eyes for a second, I could've sworn I heard tumbleweeds, rolling on the other side of the track... )

Then I saw a girl, only a child to my poor tired eyes,
Running after what might have been fragments of my life...
Porcelain doll, a permanent scar on the smooth face of Depression.

(The phone is ringing again, breaking trough my illusions,
Leaving me to witness an impenetrable view upon boredom itself.
Could this call save me?
Is it salvation on the other end of the line?
Or just a mere attempt to disturb my concentration?
Still, this will have to wait.)

It shines; I'm sore and inspired...
Scribbled upon the wall, you can easily read; Amy was here, 07-12-1980
Answering, I simply wrote back; Hope was here... and quickly left, 02-10-2005

I've narrowed it down to its simplest core.
And I know what's required of me now...
There are no parallels in my mind... no subtleties.

And how come this phone is still ringing?
It'll be the last time and I'll still ignore it completely.

For once I think I'll be noticed, by doing something concrete & visible,
As of tomorrow... hundreds of humans will be late for work.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#217510 14.12.2016 22:54

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Какой ты всё-таки пиздец.
#217511 14.12.2016 23:01

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Nicole 12 - Ballerina лудшый текст
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#217520 14.12.2016 23:39

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Л.П.Берия - Речь на похоронах Сталина
#217521 14.12.2016 23:49

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А ты хорош #N.
#217531 15.12.2016 00:43

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MeatWolf wrote:А ты хорош #N.

I'm not a number I'm a free man!
#217550 15.12.2016 09:49

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Вспомнил внезапно, что у великого ансамбля Major Parkinson очень крутые люриксы.
[Reveal]: Spoiler
На ютубе ущербная версия какая-то, поэтому шлягер тут (вроде должно работать): ... 8DYaZGLQKf

But hey, what could I do?
I was eating more than I could chew.
Now those cavities are swelling.
They’re bursting in a bubble of champagne,
but I have painted the house,
I have organized the furniture in alphabetical order
and my carpet’s made of cashmere.
It’s so clean.

Hey, what can I say? I just hate those barber cues in May,
cause when the summer dress is waving,
it makes me all remember who I am.
Still my porch is symmetrical,
my teeth are white,
the lawn is green,
my kids believe in God
and my pool is full of chlorine.

Boom!! Out of the blue,
the past comes sneaking out on you.
Dogs are lurking in the alley,
cause somebody caught you digging in the dirt.
And you can’t figure out where to get the cleaning products for this job.
It’s a job, but there will always be a last stain of blood.

In a rush you are burning down your house.
You change your name a thousand times,
but they will recognize your face and appearance,
and your parents they will give you to the cops.
Yes, no one says a murder is easy but murder is a job,
it’s a job, but there will always be a last stain of blood.

Tell me, tell me now, tell me, tell me, tell me.
What will you do when the murder gets to you?
Tell me now, tell me, tell me, tell me.
What will you do when the murderer gets to you?

Did you do that? Did you put him in the trunk of the Chevy?
Is he heavy to carry? Do you have equipment in the bag?
Yes, as a matter of fact I brought everything you need for:
Rococo chopping, body wrapping, ankle strapping, body cracking,
higher learning, lawyer burning, cold suspicion, inquisition,
body heat acceleration, heart attack or simulation, papers for the preparation.
Daddy’s got a plan.

Dig a little deeper, dig a little deeper, dig a little deeper.
Deeper! Deeper! Deeper!

Tell me, tell me now, tell me, tell me tell me.
What will you do when the murder gets to you?
Tell me now, tell me, tell me, tell me.
What will you do when the murderer gets the truth?

I feel abused and disabled and my mind is never stable.
In the twist, I’m a tango or a TV pay fandango
and the words that I trust is a require for request.
If a man’s making money he is better than the rest.

I’m a whore! I’m a whore! It is what I do best.
And the two-headed hammer on the dead man’s chest
is economy, pure and simple interests,
And we’re all together in it,
if you’re out then you have to pay the price.

Tell me, tell me now, tell me, tell me tell me.
What will you do when the murder gets to you?
Tell me now, tell me, tell me, tell me.
What will you do when the murderer gets the truth?
#221715 19.02.2017 14:00

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[Reveal]: Spoiler
These are the traitors you called out
One by one against the wall
You wanted the President's dead
And the wrists of the state bound
In the books of the dead
The myths of martyrs
You created in the revolution
Ring deep and hollow
Now what will you do?
When the barren earth
That bears your scar
Demands the seed of tyrants
And not the reason of the mob
Where there should be rage
There is weeping and silent conformity
Where cities should burn
There is defeat so raise this pyre to infamy
Where are the hands that hewed our future from rubble
Not every statue to the great was conceit
If the church had one neck
I would wring it
If the state had one artery
I would sever it
Torches to the parliament of swine
And iron to the rights of fools

Не одному же Максу тут дрочить, верно ведь?
#221881 21.02.2017 19:56

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Я хочу пересечь границу
Чтоб остаться в твоих пределах
И случайно не возвратиться
В государство тоски и мела
В голове моей много ила
И в словах так мало дела
Может помнишь, ты говорила
Что весь мир ты иметь хотела

Я беру то, что мне не надо
Отдаю то, что мне так нужно
Я бросаю слова и взгляды
Чтобы не было слишком душно
Понедельники, воскресенья
Как могу оставляю смело
Чтобы стать ну хотя бы тенью
Там, где ты весь мир имела

Я хочу перестать молиться
За успехи любого дела
Я пытаюсь освободиться
Правда очень мешает тело
Не пытаясь и быть не милым
Заявляю тебе несмело
Что мне хочется стать всем миром
Чтобы ты меня отымела
#224618 16.04.2017 01:00

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Я уже кажется писал здесь, насколько меня восхищает раннее творчество Адор Дорат, но не упоминал про их тексты. Всем Умберто Эко в этом треде:
Ador Dorath -- Rosa

I thought that I was
On the beginning of a journey
I thought that I understood
The rose in bloom.

Because a Rose is a Rose.
And when I had the secret within the reach
Something inside me became quiet,
I was struck dumb.
"Nothing does not exist"
Sounded in the space

The words were of purple color
And I recollected
That the world was made of fire
There is no need for words
Even though we have read the signs
Even though we deciphered the alphabet
Even though we have revealed the omen
There is no choice but to be silent

"The order that your mind imagines
is like a net, or like a ladder
Built to attain something
But afterwards you must
Throw the ladder away
Because you discover that
Even if it was useful
It was meaningless...
The only things that are useful
Are instruments to be thrown"

Тексты на их дебютнике составляют какой-то оккультно-юнгианский концепт мифа-символа древних слоев подсознания и их поэтика по-моему очаровательна. Правда, проблема тут в явных грамматических ошибках, но на сайте они переведены на чешский (на котором очевидно были сочинены) и на нем звучат прекрасно.
[Reveal]: Spoiler
1. Ubique Daemon
Do you really think
I'm what you take me for?

Ego ut dei minister
Praecipio vobis
spiritus immundi
ut recedatis
ab hac creatura dei

But I'm not your pray!

2. Arcana Artis

3. Metamorphoses
Here is a shrine at the end of the earth
It is a heart a hidden cave
It is an anger of metamorphosis

A Snake is born in an oval cave
Embryo of oaths thrust in blood
He started to grow

Till he saturated all prayers
In the rising tide of the Moon
He gave birth to the Last
Without body and breath

He wounded fatally
the body of the shrine
He ended the birth
By consuming himself

4. Garden of Earthly Pleasures
When the sun gets drowned in a Lake
When it drinks from the Lake bed
When the vessel is filled
The King will wash his hands

Break the dike
Open its mouth
Drive the Larvae out
Of Poison well
Potions are made

Fish without tail
Queen Rat

5. Circle
Serpent made bed on Crystal Hill
Apparation of Finalty took centuries
When Sinner screamed
Luna had a Laugh and urged the horses
Why should she care about people
Such a beauty has not been seen for ages
Heart was written all over by blook till it went black

Nothing left here
But bare consonance
Of Creator
With forked tongue

6. Adon Nin Edeleth Ador Dorath
Luhram Amu Amu Dehr
Mo Yen Sinze Ade Ere
Chinsom Verged Adoreth
Tehigland Faleso
Adon Nin Edeleth Ador Dorath
Silemarar Chinson Ver Glend
Silemar Ju Ve Rars
Mi Romar Luss Miruvrowa
Mi Romar Luss Adorath

7. Hail to Majesty
Speak to us in a great movement of the sea
Give us power
Speak to us in a murmur
Give us your wisdom
High majesty who is mirrored in the depths
Deep majesty who rises to the heights
Lead us to immortality

Oh constancy and motion
Day swathed in Night
Darkness veiled in Light

Your breath gives and takes back form of everything
You who fill the lives of the majestic
And awake the shadown of the night
You who fly on the wings of winds
Neverending motion in eternal constancy

Oh you elevated in a changing empire of shadows
Reflections and pictures
Let a shadow become a body Let spirit become soul
Let dream become thought

8. Rule of Nyx
Beautiful Night
Your attire covered the countryside and gave it shadows
Only a few sparkling tears stayed on the sky
You sing a silent song
With bat's scream as refrain

Beautiful Night
Silver streams run to the empire
Of wishes an ancient lusts
Where sleeping wait for their time to come
Voices of thousands of wishes are your crown

Beautiful Night
So charming for thousands of years
I am closing my eyes and let
Twilight of feelings
Take me to the times when god in man
Wooed the passions

9. Pharmakopoeia
I found a tree under the surface of the earth,
I can hear whisper of its crown everywhere
If I want.
There is a bit of it in every corner of the earth
I see it sometimes when I close my eyes
Not always not for a long time

World full of images disappearing in a moment
World of vision in a space when time makes no sense
Take a bit of the empire Fantastica

Will is a chain we are climbing up
One weak component can cause
Fall into the abbys
The Abbys is a labyrinth
My fate, my power, my poison

Our path is reptile's sleep
Sleep of Amphibians
Sleep with one eye open
I creep into dreams with hidden alertness
Dreaming without being subordinate
Our path includes will

I feel it when my heart starts to think
Door of knowledge are opening
I hope that it will never blind my eyes
And mind
By opening wide
#237024 24.06.2019 02:29

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Play dead and I'll play along

I was sitting alone again,
(in a remote corner lit only by the frail dance of dying candles)
Drinking, of course, when Perdition the Elder sat down.

He had that weird smile upon his face
And that fiery look he has when he's about to initiate a somewhat unusual conversation;

"I am but a Plague..." he began to say,
"I have studied Locustism for years now.
I am like you, y'know. Human, a useless vermin?"

He had a point, but still I felt like I had to reply something... anything,
But he cut me right off;

"...A slight change of posture, a loud muted noise from Above,
And then came an Ego that was to be our own downfall..." he paused and stared at me for a moment.

Thats when he suddenly pulled this huge magnum from his jacket
And forced the wretched thing into my mouth, saying;

"I am giving you a choice: Kill yourself or someone you love..."

"The cold sensation of your clenched teetchs around a gun barrel
And the warm salty taste of your own tears... thats my gift to you."

"Play dead and I'll play along son..."
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#237026 24.06.2019 12:13

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