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Музыкальная курилка
#211595 6.09.2016 22:31

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Один из любимых текстов за последнее время (скажем, за 2 года) -- необычная ода обычной деревенской кошке от Иана Андерсона. Как и все его тексты, песня написана в весьма образном ключе, однако в данном случае намеки в достаточной мере приземленны. Лирика ассоциируется с эдакой деревнской пасторалью/буколикой и (также как и все остальные до единой песни с этого альбома) заставляет задуматься: ну отчего я, черт его возьми, городской житель, а не пасу овец где-нибудь в Йоркшире. Следует отметить, что именно в период написания Songs from the Wood/Heavy Horses Иэна переклинило на деревенской жизни на ферме. Оба этих альбома в своей лирике отражают дачно-лесной настрой своего создателя.

[Reveal] Spoiler: "...And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps"
Muscled, black with steel-green eye
swishing through the rye grass
with thoughts of mouse-and-apple pie.
Tail balancing at half-mast.
...And the mouse police never sleeps ---
lying in the cherry tree.
Savage bed foot-warmer of purest feline ancestry.
Look out, little furry folk!
He's the all-night working cat.
Eats but one in every ten ---
leaves the others on the mat.
...And the mouse police never sleeps ---
waiting by the cellar door.
Window-box town crier;
birth and death registrar.
With claws that rake a furrow red ---
licensed to multilate.
From warm milk on a lazy day
to dawn patrol on hungry hate.
...No, the mouse police never sleeps ---
climbing on the ivy.
Windy roof-top weathercock.
Warm-blooded night on a cold tile.

Текст на русский адекватно не переводится, потому не буду даже пытаться.

"Two men gaze from behind their prison bars.
One man sees dirt, the other sees stars."
#211606 7.09.2016 00:40

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[Reveal] Spoiler: и так далее, например
Над равниной крик и стон
И кровавый дождь
Черный всадник, как дракон -
Тамплиеров вождь

Гордый праздник Сатаны
Пролил кровь на свет,
И священный меч войны
Разрубил секрет

Наш король - посланник небес
Наш король как призрачный бес
Наш король - избранник судьбы
Наш король - это лишь ты:

Люцифер !
Люцифер !
Люцифер !
Люцифер !
Люцифер !

Будет проклят рай и ад!
Кто сорвал покров?
Чёрный саван, словно яд,
Умертвит врагов.
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#211614 7.09.2016 01:06

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[Reveal]: Spoiler
Их специально убивали
Молоханку им давали,
А потом их истязали,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Их раствором обливали
А потом воспламеняли,
Их специально убивали.

Их специально
Их специально
Их специально убивали
Их специально
Их специально
Их специально убивали

Их специально убивали,
И глаза им вытыкали,
А потом в глазницы срали,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Кадыки им вырывали,
А потом туда ебали,
Их специально убивали.

Их специально убивали,
Паутами облепляли
И за ними наблюдали,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Руки ноги обрубали,
В кочерыжки превращали,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Зубы дрыном вышибали,
Глотки ртутью полоскали,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Сифаком их заражали
Меж собой совокупляли,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
Рты и жопы зашивали,
Ноздри калом залепляли,
Их специально убивали.
Их специально убивали,
В унитазы трамбовали,
А потом смывали на хуй,
Их специально убивали.

"Two men gaze from behind their prison bars.
One man sees dirt, the other sees stars."
#211677 8.09.2016 00:43

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Hanging Garden - Stillborn

[Lyrics from the booklet]

You never said a word
You never cried a tear
Your still eyes stared at me
Your soul had disappeared

Still, you light my morn
Little one, stillborn
This bleak world
You'll always adorn
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#211678 8.09.2016 00:52

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Какая же убогая, примитивная хуерга.

Я такое в девятом классе писал.
#211681 8.09.2016 01:05

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Вот тут согласимся. Оно, может, с музыкой и ничего, но отдельно уровень йестердэй/фаравэй.
#211682 8.09.2016 01:06

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Увы, да.
#211684 8.09.2016 01:09

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Зато красиво и в душу (нет, не плюёт).
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#211691 8.09.2016 01:44

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HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#211692 8.09.2016 01:45

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"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#211694 8.09.2016 02:53

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Ещё немного хуерги, которую Арсений писал в девятом классе:

Doom:VS -Oceans Of Despair

Pale flickering heart of dust
Please bear with me
For how long will this fire burn?
Patterns repeating

How far can my voice reach?
Beyond the stars?
Will dusk bring hope or devour me?

Even with the sun, comes the night
As gravity took you away
I slept by the gallows that day
When gravity took you away

I've lost so many years
Building my defence
Through oceans of despair
So many years
I've tried
I failed

Crushed by the waves
And thrown into the ocean's throat
This vast sea will be my death
If only my heart could navigate
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#211695 8.09.2016 08:39

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Какой кошмар.
#211696 8.09.2016 09:12

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Да не, эта норм.

Всё жду, когда Макс Зе Мизери прнст.
#211699 8.09.2016 10:09

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Ты и сам можешь принести.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#211700 8.09.2016 10:45

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Утро для того, чтобы пакостить.
#211715 8.09.2016 14:53

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[Reveal] Spoiler: гиперохуенный текст, жаль, что ничо не понятно
Ik gihorta dat seggen,
ðat sih urhettun ænon muotin,
Hiltibrant enti Haðubrant untar heriun tuem.
sunufatarungo: iro saro rihtun,

garutun sê iro guðhamun, gurtun sih iro suert ana,
helidos, ubar hringa do sie to dero hiltiu ritun.
Hiltibrant gimahalta, Heribrantes sunu, her uuas heroro man,
ferahes frotoro; her fragen gistuont
fohem uuortum, hwer sin fater wari

fireo in folche,... «eddo hwelihhes cnuosles du sis.
ibu du mi enan sages, ik mi de odre uuet,
chind in chunincriche. chud ist mi al irmindeot.»
Hadubrant gimahalta, Hiltibrantes sunu:

garutun sê iro guðhamun, gurtun sih iro suert ana,
helidos, ubar hringa do sie to dero hiltiu ritun.
Hiltibrant gimahalta, Heribrantes sunu, her uuas heroro man,
ferahes frotoro; her fragen gistuont
fohem uuortum, hwer sin fater wari

«dat sagetun mi usere liuti,
alte anti frote, dea érhina warun,
dat Hiltibrant hætti min fater: ih heittu Hadubrant.
forn her ostar giweit, floh her Otachres nid,
hina miti Theotrihhe enti sinero degano filu.
her furlaet in lante luttila sitten
prut in bure barn unwahsan,
arbeo laosa. her raet ostar hina.
des sid Detrihhe darba gistuontun
fateres mines: dat uuas so friuntlaos man:

her was Otachre ummet tirri,
degano dechisto miti Deotrichhe.
her was eo folches at ente, imo was eo fehta ti leop:
chud was her... chonnem mannum.
ni waniu ih iu lib habbe»...

«wettu irmingot», quad Hiltibrant obana ab heuane,
dat du neo dana halt mit sus sippan man
dinc ni gileitos»...
want her do ar arme wuntane bauga,
cheisuringu gitan, so imo se der chuning gap,

Huneo truhtin: «dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu.»
Hadubrant gimahalta, Hiltibrantes sunu:
«mit geru scal man geba infahan,
ort widar orte. ...
du bist dir, alter Hun, ummet spaher,

her was Otachre ummet tirri,
degano dechisto miti Deotrichhe.
her was eo folches at ente, imo was eo fehta ti leop:
chud was her... chonnem mannum.
ni waniu ih iu lib habbe»...

Huneo truhtin: «dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu.»
Hadubrant gimahalta, Hiltibrantes sunu:
«mit geru scal man geba infahan,
ort widar orte. ...
du bist dir, alter Hun, ummet spaher,
Spenis mih mit dinem wortun,
wili mih dinu speru werpan.
pist also gialtet man, so du ewin inwit fortos.
dat sagetun mi seolidante
westar ubar wentilseo, dat inan wic furnam:
tot ist Hiltibrant, Heribrantes suno».

Hiltibrant gimahalta, Heribrantes suno:
«wela gisihu ih in dinem hrustim,
dat du habes heme herron goten,
dat du noh bi desemo riche reccheo ni wurti.»
«welaga nu, waltant got», quad Hiltibrant, wewurt skihit!

Ih wallota sumaro enti wintro sehstic ur lante,
dar man mih eo scerita in folc sceotanter:
so man mir at burc enigeru banun ni gifasta,
nu scal mih suasat chind suertu hauwan,
breton mit sinu billiu, eddo ih imo ti banin werdan.

Doh maht du nu aodlihho, ibu dir din ellen taoc,
in sus heremo man hrusti giwinnan,
rauba birahanen, ibu du dar enic reht habes.»
«der si doh nu argosto», quad Hiltibrant, «ostarliuto,
der dir nu wiges warne, nu dih es so wel lustit,

Spenis mih mit dinem wortun,
wili mih dinu speru werpan.
pist also gialtet man, so du ewin inwit fortos.
dat sagetun mi seolidante
westar ubar wentilseo, dat inan wic furnam:
tot ist Hiltibrant, Heribrantes suno».

gudea gimeinun: niuse de motti
hwerdar sih hiutu dero hregilo rumen muotti,
erdo desero brunnono bedero uualtan!»
do lettun se ærist asckim scritan,
scarpen scurim, dat in dem sciltim stont.

do stoptun to samane staimbort chludun,
heuwun harmlicco huitte scilti,
unti im iro lintun luttila wurtun,
giwigan miti wabnum . . .

Doh maht du nu aodlihho, ibu dir din ellen taoc,
in sus heremo man hrusti giwinnan,
rauba birahanen, ibu du dar enic reht habes.»
«der si doh nu argosto», quad Hiltibrant, «ostarliuto,
der dir nu wiges warne, nu dih es so wel lustit.
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#211716 8.09.2016 15:34

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Ну чо, самое время нести текста Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum..
#211728 8.09.2016 19:25

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Экзимперитусы - наше всё.
Проецирование астрального дэдэикса на картофельные поля Могилёвщины.
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#211764 9.09.2016 01:35

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MaxStajner wrote:Ты и сам можешь принести.

OldVyaine wrote:когда пьяный буду.
#211779 9.09.2016 02:06

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[Reveal] Spoiler: расчехляем пениса
Twist Kurun Hattin,
A knight devout in enacting haditho,
Warrior of divine emanation,
In the throes of Frankish abandon,
Homeland awash with rotten decadence,

Mighty Ayyub!
Sultan sculpted from the rock of war
Visions of unity under al as-sunnah,
Divinity absent from shi atu ali

Reddened steel held aloft in praise
Reclamation for the beloved
A peace pursued in death, not obtained in life
Mounds of Masiheyin dead lay in monument,

A lord risen from the Poitevin Maroh,
King in the heart of the world
Led astray, blinded by Nasara nor
Brought before the peerless Ayyubid

Impoverished golden legions cut down
The caddish cruciform blight removed
“It is not the want of a king to kill a king…”

“Besigata Dishmaya
Kul shain khatara!”
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#212274 16.09.2016 18:03

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На крайнем Трахсуньбляте есть место, которое мне неплохо затащило по крайней мере стилистически (ну и музончик там такой, что лапти сами в пляс несут). Всю остальную поебту я сюда не потащу, там ещё хуже, поэтому вот отрывок.

[Reveal]: Spoiler
I am the air; far I shall roam
Under the sky in all of its shades.
I am fire; long I shall burn
To renew the self and temper the blade.

I am water; clear I shall flow
To cleanse the self of what sullies the times.
I am the earth; firm I shall stand.
Hold fast to what shines through from the past.

When you stand among the pine,
You stand in a far-stretching line
Of all who've stood in rapture here
And all who shall in coming year.

For in the wood you are the same
As those to come and those who came
To root themselves in rapture here
And those who shall in coming year.

To sit at Odell's heart and contemplate the times
Among the fallen hemlock that rampart on all sides.
To sit at Odell's heart and contemplate what's mine;
What's mine to give, receive, provide;
What's owed me by the times;
What the times should give, provide, for all
Beneath them to thrive —
So we know, like each fleck of snow in the storm,
None is alone in this plight.
#212275 16.09.2016 18:08

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Красиво, чо.
#212301 17.09.2016 05:47

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Решил, в связи грядущем концертом, освежить в памяти буквы Тиамат и таки поймал себя на мысли, что не так уж много мне и нравится. Не, хорошего достаточно (та же "Divided", которую мне завтра два, блядь, мужика напоют), но вот чтобы прям "Ух1" - мало. И самое большое представительство 97-го, как ни странно.

[Reveal]: Spoiler
Do You Dream Of Me?

Come down, slowly
I'm waiting by your side
Come down, carefully
I'm waiting by your side

I'll grab you when you fall
Down to the waking hours
Silent sweeps as golden corn
Down to the waking hours

How i wish that I could
Break into your dreams
Do I have the force I need
To break into your dreams

I hold you in my arms
Dimmed by scarlet morning red
I whisper in your ear
"Do you dream of me?"

A Pocket Size Sun

I came so close, so near
That I almost got out of my shell
When a pink coloured vision did appear
A girl with something to sell

The girl offered me a pocket size sun
I beheld its innocent smile
She said "If you wanna have fun,
It will take you to heaven for awhile"

An inch from the blue skies ceiling
I was touched by her careful fingertips
With the sun we shared our feelings
And I finally kissed her ruby lips

She started to sing a lullaby
Origined from ancient Senoi
"In dream's realm can no one die
Sleep safe my little boy"

The sun cut my eyes like a dropblade
Drew elseworlds in the sand
My memories began to fade
And did suddenly slip through my hands

In the sand I found two wonderful shells
As Like as two peas
And I thought I could hear the sound of bluebells
Behind the roaring seven seas...


Not far from where I live
They glance in morning breeze
As dividing tiny rays
A morning tries to seize

Greet me my proud little soldiers
Of brown, purple and grey
Carry us on your shoulders
Carry us far away

If you begin to fall
Please have some more
You could stay at my place if you want
I'll sleep on the floor

In shades of purple cloth
They guide us to the light
With irresistible pride
To the feast they us invite

Greet me my proud little soldiers
Of brown, purple and grey
Carry us on your shoulders
Carry us far away

If you begin to fall
Please have some more
You could stay at my place if you want
I'll sleep on the floor

Mount Marilyn

The threne my love that opens now
In cattle blood of aery brow
Con that life's a dream not to affy
As embodied matter love will die

You twinkle still in Argentine
When I palmy dout the rapid din
To force the mure, the pain I hide
As you're not longer by my side

Mazed I helmed this crater deem
Stranger than a stranger seems
Wished to shroud the sortance leer
And yarely wink the eyes of fear

Splay the moon that foolish be
And let the sunshine raving me
Beyond the love I do behold
A ken I saw, a fane of gold

I'd peize in pounds our insane blend
And phantom laid a smile I send
Eke an ounce of purple fire
And fairy eyes no longer twire

Would fain to stalk the colour fields
But tickle I shall stark lonely yield
Merely in drowning water clay
As anguish wears but shades of grey

To retain the chains of elder squire
I'd prune the funeral skies denier
Once in awhile he still appeals
To remind you all it's still for real

Breathing smoke and fire

But the face of evil that haunted us
Was never ever present thus
The cupid rainbow ties an orb
In which every demon shall absorb

Do you think I care?
Do you really think I care?

A Deeper Kind Of Slumber

Robin goodfellow
Dianae, my muse
Morpheus in my heart
Your sand in my veins
It's a deeper kind of slumber
What is universe anyway
But a pouch of silver coins
The intense breathing
Of a dying animal
A foreboding of afterlife
Master keys in oaken chest
The somewhere is mine
And from there I'll continue
All I asked for was a little love
Meet me on the other side
Where as a rose I will wake
Though blind I'll follow every step you take
Dianae, my muse
Dianae, my solitude
Cease to exist, rise to exist no more
It's a deeper kind of slumber

Best Friend Money Can Buy

We drank as much as we could,
And she drank more than she should.
We stumbled out of this cheap whiskey bar,
And that is the story so far.

Guided by the dim streetlights,
We walked through the black harbour night.
No people, no passing car,
Well, that is the story so far.

She thinks she smells the northland snow,
(Northland snow)
And she`s as glad as I to go,
(Ay, to go)
Her very bolts are sick for shore,
(Sick for shore)
And I-- I want it ten times more.
(Ten times more)

She silenced her mouth when I asked for her name,
She asked me to please do the same.
She said it's all written in the stars,
And that is the story so far.

But she whispered her name when I kissed her goodbye,
Her voice stained by whiskey and tar.
She went back to where she belonged, and I--
I went back to the bar...

The Red Of The Morning Sun

I woke up early this morning when the columns of night went pale white
The shades of faith disappeared and the sky above you were no longer blue

When did our moon cease to bleed
When shall the colours be freed
To bring back our gold and to bring back the red of the sun
To bring back our gold and to bring back the red of the sun
The red of the morning sun

One part of crystal oxygen
Two parts of glycerine
Three parts of cold spring water
To bring back the four river daughters
Five steps out of the black room
With six six six of gloom, leaving
Seven sea shells on the shore
Whisper eight nine ten and I wanna hear more

I looked through the prism when colour went away and faded into grey
And the sun was still shining in the morning but pale white, so white
Is this all we get?
Is this all there is?
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#212306 17.09.2016 13:03

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MaxStajner wrote:И самое большое представительство 97-го, как ни странно.

В этом как раз ничего странного нет.
#212308 17.09.2016 13:05

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Вингс оф хэвн понад усе.
#212310 17.09.2016 15:53

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Arseniy wrote:Вингс оф хэвн понад усе.

Как раз в стиле "Divided", хорошо, но не вот прям вообще чтоб всё.
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#212666 22.09.2016 21:05

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Чота ржу. В смысле посыл-то неплох, но такой радужный технооптимизм сложно соотносится со стереотипами о субжанре. Ну и формулировки наивные.
[Reveal] Spoiler: Allegaeon - All Hail Science (sic!)
The greater minds of ancient times
Imhotep to Democritus
seek to find and bring to light
the reasons we exist.
Theorize, substantialize
Polymaths by definition
delve into a brave new world
of physics and atomism

All hail knowledge
All hail science.

The greater minds of reforming times
Galileo to Descartes
move away from older ways
during this restart
Philosophize, actualize
school of thought revision
expand the understanding of
the mind and all it's mechanisms

All hail knowledge
All hail science.

Observe, question, research
Hypothesis, experiment, analysis

To observe and question
the workings of the world
research uncovers, the edge unfurls
hypothesis, prediction
of the answer and its flaws
presenting information
and factoring the odds

Solo: Greg

To test in repetition
To make absolutely sure
Experiment, experience
for certainty of the definite answer
Analysis verify the idea posed
Researched and unveiled to the waking world

Solo: Michael

The great minds of modern times
Carl Sagan to Bill Nye
Dedicate their life, aspire
to opening our eyes
Emphasize, globalize
accepting information
Plotting out our futures
and solving our creation.

All hail knowledge
All hail science.
All hail knowledge
All hail science.
#212667 22.09.2016 21:33

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Exarcophagus wrote:Plotting out our futures
and solving our creation.

И правда. Святая наивность!
#213708 9.10.2016 02:22

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Подняли тему текстов, вспомнил, что давно хотел запостить замечательную лирику одноимённого альбома Пантеиста:

[Reveal]: Spoiler
Broken Statue

Remember when you said that you don’t need me any more
Success had finally come your way
You smiled and waved at me as you got into your car
A gallant knight held the door open

Alice what have you become? You have tumbled from your footing

Three years have passed since then but success abandoned you
Your empty gaze stares into infinity
What happened to your dreams? The flower has withered on your hair
And someone said you want to see me

Like a statue you’ve become that has fallen from its pedestal

Fall, with pleasure I will push you and I won’t be there to help you
For all these years I have been dying now I’d like to see you crying
Fall, I won’t shed a tear for you, I don’t want and I don’t need you
For all these years I have been dying now I’d like to see you crying

I wanna see you fall, I wanna hear you fall, I wanna make you fall

Be Here

You are on your own in your little world
And you drift away far away from here

On which cloud can I find you?
You have left this life behind
You met Jesus under the streetlight
I hope you found what you were looking for

I want you to be here, just be here

You have a look on your face
As if you don’t know I exist
I disappeared from your radar
And what you are thinking about, I can only guess

Laying flat on your back
You remain lost
In this endless dream
Will you ever wake up to be with me?

Why aren’t you here, just be here

Brighter Days

Awakened to heavy silence, no sunrise in sight
Was that just one more dream that passed me by?
Smiling as it waved goodbye "you know how nothing can last"
Still we crave for brighter days though we still feel blind

Seems no-one warned us when somehow we'd lose our will
The joys of yesterday still seem a perennial breeze
But could we carry tomorrow's burdens with dignity?
Today, the boundless reach of doubt should set us free

As pilgrims bound to will, our doubt must set us free

Like every fallen star
Must wake just once more
To arise and shine
As it lits the way for the lost

Puppeteered by fate
Or free to our paths
We'll stand and run again
For the ever elusive light.

Live Through Me

If you ever stay awake at nights
Agonizing over all these dreams you left behind
If you looked back and you found you have never been yourself
Did your thoughts go back to me?

Have you ever thought of a future without me?
Could there be a life, a happy life somewhere else?
If I tumble from a bridge looking at the rainbow
Would you roam unchained and free?

A rainbow will appear and you’ll get your chance, you’ll see
You will find your way as you are searching in the dark
Deep within your soul, a fire slowly burns
A sacred shrine, your destiny

You live, live through me
You see through my eyes
How could you ever be free
Until the end will us part?
"ты - грамотный пидорг" - комплимент или оскорбление? (с) TDM

Макс, вот скажи, ты про морковку на вопрос "Это разве хер?" тоже отвечаешь "А почему нет? По длине любому херу не уступит"? (с) MeatWolf
#213709 9.10.2016 02:33

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Что ж ты как сопливая готка течёшь от хуёвых текстиков про пичяльку?
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